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You’ve worked hard for your entire life and are looking forward to the next step.

Are you currently thinking of these things?

Do you think Social Security will not have the money to pay your benefits? Do you know when to take Social Security to maximize your benefit?
What are the pros and cons of a Qualified Charitable Donation when I must begin required distributions from my IRA?
What are the pros and cons of taking a reverse mortgage instead of beginning Social Security benefits early?
Is Medicare Advantage better than traditional Medicare?
Have you budgeted for Medicare out-of-pocket costs?
How can I avoid surcharges for Medicare Parts B and D?
What are the pros and cons of Roth conversions? Is this right for me?

These are just some of the items we cover with our clients to ensure they have time choosing what they want to do. Retirement is having the freedom to do the things you want to do. We are there to help take care of the details.

As advisors we get to work with some amazing people who are in your shoes. We talk to them frequently and over time we’ve built up quite a few stories. Want to see some of the more interesting Surprises in Retirement?
